Descargo de responsabilidad

Welcome to the official website of Gelgoog Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "this website"). The services of this website ("the Services") are provided by Gelgoog Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Gelgoog"). Please carefully read and fully understand the following terms, especially the "Rights Statement," "Disclaimer," and "Applicable Laws and Dispute Resolution" clauses. By accessing, browsing, and/or using this website, you agree to accept the following terms. If you do not agree to accept the following terms, please immediately stop accessing, browsing, and using this website.

Part I: Rights Statement

All content of this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, artwork, videos, web page layouts, and other intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests, including but not limited to trademark rights, copyrights, and patent rights, are owned by Gelgoog or Gelgoog's affiliated parties. Without the prior written permission of Gelgoog or its affiliated companies, no one may use the content of this website in any way, including but not limited to monitoring, copying, spreading, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading, etc., through programs or devices such as robots or spiders.

You may browse this website and selectively excerpt its content for printing, downloading, or sending, but in any case, it should only be used for non-commercial, informational, and personal purposes. The content on this website may not be sold or distributed in any form (whether in print, photocopy, or electronic form) for commercial profit, nor may it be modified or added to any other works, publications, or websites, without commercial purposes. Gelgoog has not granted any other licenses or rights.

You may not use the materials, information, project plans, and other content provided on this website to develop or provide products or services with the same or similar functions.

Part II: Disclaimer Clause (Unless prohibited by law)

You understand and agree that the Services are provided "as is" and "as available," and we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or non-infringement of the information, text, graphics, links, organizational structures, project descriptions, and other materials contained on the website. You bear the risk of using this website and its materials, and if it results in any loss to you, you agree to bear all consequences and waive our liability.

You understand and agree that any forward-looking statements regarding Gelgoog's future business on this website are essentially inferred from existing information, business plans, and forecasts of future situations and trends, subject to many risks and uncertainties. Gelgoog may decide to change them at any time based on market or other factors and does not intend to make commitments in any way to services or plans for the future. If there are changes or cancellations, no further notice will be given. If it results in any loss to you, you agree to bear all consequences and waive our liability.

You understand and agree that for your convenience, links are established between this website and other websites owned and operated by third parties rather than maintained by Gelgoog. Despite this, even if the aforementioned third parties are affiliated with Gelgoog, Gelgoog does not exercise any control over linked websites. Linked websites have their own unique privacy and data collection methods and legal policies independent of Gelgoog. Gelgoog is not responsible for the content of any linked websites, nor does it make any statements about the content or authenticity of materials provided on such websites. You assume the risk of browsing third-party websites, and if it results in any loss to you, you agree to bear all consequences and waive our liability.

You understand and agree that, in order to provide you with more comprehensive services, Gelgoog has the right to periodically inspect, maintain, and repair this website or related equipment. Such situations may cause related services to be interrupted or suspended for a reasonable period of time, and if it results in any loss to you, you agree to bear all consequences and waive our liability.

You understand and agree that during your use of the Services, you may encounter risk factors beyond your control, causing interruptions to the Services. Force majeure includes natural disasters such as earthquakes, epidemics, and storms, as well as social events such as riots and government actions. In the event of the above situations, Gelgoog will make efforts to cooperate with relevant units and carry out repairs at the first time. If it results in any loss to you, you agree to bear all consequences and waive our liability.

You understand and agree that Gelgoog cannot predict and prevent legal, technical, and other risks, including viruses, hacker attacks, system instability, and other reasons that may cause interruptions and other losses in the Services. You agree that to the extent permitted by law, even if the Services have the aforementioned risks, if it results in any loss to you, you agree to bear all consequences and waive our liability.

Part III: Other Agreements

The establishment, effectiveness, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this website and this legal statement shall be governed by the laws of mainland China. In case of any disputes or controversies between you and Gelgoog, you should first attempt to resolve them through friendly consultation. If no agreement is reached, both parties agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the People's Court of Zhengzhou Development Zone for resolution.

If any provision of this legal statement is deemed void, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this legal statement.

The interpretation, modification, and update of this legal statement belong to Gelgoog. Gelgoog reserves the right to update or modify this legal statement from time to time. This legal statement is effective from the date it is published on this website, and any updates will be based on the latest published statement.

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